Browse Articles By Tag: natural healing
Methyl-sulfonyl-methane or MSM is a mineral that can give your body many benefits such as enhancing your beauty, make your hair stronger, thicker and shinier, and reducing your allergic reactions to animals, dust, foods, and pollen. (...)
14.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
Individuals who seek natural remedies also known as home remedies or natural cures seek them out because they are made from natural ingredients such as herbs, fruits, and vegetables, ingredients that you would find at home. (...)
14.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
The use of sound is very powerful. It is used to emphasize a point when the voice is raised, it is used with the outlet of music to bring happiness, nature uses sound to let us know of our surroundings, and it is used in therapy. (...)
13.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
You can receive a burn from fire, chemicals, steam, and electricity. It is important to remember to remove the individual from the source of the burn without endangering yourself or others especially in the case of electricity. (...)
12.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
Emotional stress is a part of every person's life. However, some people are more sensitive to the effects of psychological anxiety than others are. This could be the direct result of a specific incident in life, the cumulative impact of several traumas or...
12.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
“Where should I go?” or “What are my choices?” These two questions and more may come up when trying to decide which healthcare road to take. There are conflicting reports on modern day medical practices that are out to make big money with the insurance...
12.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
Diarrhea is a distressing problem that normally will go away in a few days. It can become severe and last for much longer. People who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome will have bouts of diarrhea for days. (...)
12.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
One aspect of alternative medicine that is not commonly thought of when it comes to natural healing is nutrition. The makeup of what you eat can greatly affect your health, mental state, and well-being. (...)
12.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
There currently is no known cure for the common cold or for flu. Most of us would give anything to relieve the symptoms of the cold or flu when we are suffering from them. You can take over-the-counter medications but they often have side effects like making you...
11.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
If it is summer, chances are you will have to deal with a bee sting. Most people only have a minor reaction to the sting but in some patients a major medical emergency may arise. An allergic reaction is possible in about three percent of the population. (...)
11.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
You are running crazy at work, the house is a mess, the kids are driving you crazy, your spouse is just as crazed and you feel like you are at the end of your rope. There are a lot of options for people in this same situation and it more common then one may think. (...)
09.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
The words "natural healing herbs" sound like a hip new saying. It is everywhere in the media and if you know your herbs then you are "it." Well, it is not as easy as it sounds. There are so many herbs to choose from and each has its own healing capability. (...)
08.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
Boils can be painful and are caused by problems in the gastrointestinal system. A bacteria found there enters the bloodstream and causes a skin infection that turns into a boil. The infection blocks a hair follicle or oil gland and usually appears suddenly. (...)
08.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
We all would rather prevent a disease than have to deal with curing a disease. One way to prevent disease is to make sure that you have a strong immune system. A weak immune system increases your risk for disease and infection. (...)
06.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
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